Rebecca T.H. Morgan: Millersville University – Integrated Studies (Hannah Rhondeau Scholarship Award)

Rebecca is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Hannah Rhondeau Scholarship Award. She completed her freshman year at Millersville University, where she pursued her interests in politics, history, sports—especially wrestling—and improving her job and independent-living skills. She loved living in the dorm with her fellow college students.
Rebecca loves following Dwayne the Rock Johnson’s career and social media posts. She also loves her dog, Diesel, and her puppy, Principessa Michelle Rodriguez. She works on a farm gathering eggs, and looks forward to finding a job in the restaurant or food service industry.
She says, “Thank you, Ruby’s Rainbow, for helping me achieve my college dreams! Hugs, Rebecca ‘the Rock’ Morgan.”
We think you’re amazing, Rebecca! You rock!