Quinn Crispell: Misericordia University (Ella’s Excellent Scholarship Award)

Quinn is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Ella’s Excellent Scholarship Award and a freshman at Misericordia University, where she plans to pursue her Bachelor’s degree in Sport Management.
In high school, Quinn was a member of the National Honor Society and a four-year letter winner in cross country. She also played trumpet in the concert band. She is the 2022 recipient of the Brian Piccolo Award from the Wilkes-Barre, PA, chapter of UNICO.
Quinn enjoys running and playing golf. She is a lector at her local parish, where she was also an alter server for 10 years. She prides herself on her work ethic, and her favorite quote is by Walt Disney: “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
We love that quote, Quinn! We believe in you!