Matthew Armstrong Loscalzo: University of Cincinnati – TAP (Nora Bishop Scholarship Award)

Matthew is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Nora Bishop Scholarship Award. He is a student in the Transition and Access Program at the University of Cincinnati, where he loves being the life of the party and making everyone feel happy and welcome.
This summer, Matthew loved his first job at an island concession stand. He enjoys long walks on the beach, bossing his family around, taking care of the family dog as well as his sister’s foster dog, and giving life advice to everyone he knows.
Matthew hopes one day to become a famous fashion designer who will design the uniforms for every football team, and also for Chanel. Those who know him say he has a spirit larger than most, and an unparalleled ability to inspire those around him.
We see these amazing qualities in you, Matthew! We think you rock!