Isabel TreyLynn Trower – Barnabas Prep (Mullen Family Scholarship Award)

Isabel, better known as Izzy, is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Mullen Family Scholarship Award. She loved her first year at Barnabas Prep, where she had fun, met lots of new friends and developed her independence. She is very much looking forward to her second year.
She says, “Since I have started college, I feel like I am creating a new me! I am independent from my family at school. I am making my own choices and helping myself. I am doing chores on my own, like doing the dishes and vacuuming. I am making decisions for my own path. I feel I am breaking down barriers and gaining more freedom.” To other students with Down syndrome, she says, “Believe in yourself and your dreams can come true!”
That sounds amazing, Izzy! We think you rock!