BreAnna “Breezy” White – Georgia Highlands College (Pride Socks Scholarship Award)

BreAnna is a five-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Pride Socks Scholarship Award. She attends Georgia Highlands College, where she is working toward her Associate of Arts degree in General Studies.
BreAnna, who is better known as Breezy, describes herself as “an active 25-year-old woman who enjoys school, crocheting, and spending time with family.” Last year, she was very proud of herself when she delivered a speech to her class via Zoom about the R-word. She says, “This word makes me very angry to hear, and it is very hard for me to say, but I made it through the speech without getting upset—and I also made an A on the speech. This means to me that I am growing both educationally as well as emotionally.”
We definitely think you are amazing, Breezy! We are so proud of you!