Abby Maddux – Northeastern State University RiverHawks (Lees Family Scholarship Award)

Abby is a three-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Lees Family Scholarship Award. She is very excited to start her junior year in the RiverHawks Scholar Program at Northeastern State University, where she is concentrating in General Studies. She plans to focus on business classes and is looking forward to living with her sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi.
Abby is also looking forward to continuing with internships this fall as well as singing at campus Open Mic nights. She has a full college life and is grateful for the support from Ruby’s Rainbow! Her strategy for meeting and overcoming challenges is to “know that there are going to be challenges, but those challenges will help me to become stronger. When I am conquering my dreams, I know that I will always have someone supporting me.”
We support you, Abby! We can’t wait to watch you conquer those dreams!