Megan Mosman – Tarrant County College (Frankenberger Scholarship Award)

Megan is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Frankenberger Scholarship Award. She is working toward her Associate’s degree at Tarrant County College, where her mentors have deemed her a trailblazer for becoming a degree-seeking student and a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the community college honors society. Once she receives her Associate of Arts degree, Megan’s goal is to go on to earn her Bachelor’s degree at an area university.
Megan is active in team sports through Special Olympics swimming and basketball, and she is an accomplished painter (follow her on Instagram—@meganmosmanart). Her favorite summer activity is going to the beach in Galveston, Texas. She also loves attending Camp Summit and Down Home Ranch Camp, where she enjoys making new friends and performing in talent shows as well as dancing, horseback riding, swimming and fishing.
We think you rock, Megan—we are so proud of you!