Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Laura Boyer – Gwynedd Mercy University (Ella’s Excellent Scholarship Award)


Laura, known to her friends as LB, is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Ella’s Excellent Scholarship Award. She begins her second year at Gwynedd Mercy University this fall, where she is majoring in sports management and taking business courses in preparation for a career in a related field. She can’t wait to live on campus this year. She would love to work for the Philadelphia Eagles someday.

An avid sports fan and athlete, LB played soccer in high school as well as lettering in girls’ basketball. In college, she is managing the women’s lacrosse team and helping out with their practices. She also loves music and has been active in concert, choir, chorus and theater. She has taken piano and ukulele lessons, and is a member of the campus singing group Voices of Gwynedd.

We believe in you, LB! You rock!

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