Samantha Gonzalez – University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Samantha is a three-time Rockin’ Recipient attending the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, where she is studying Communications and Athletic Training and earned all As last year. She loves dancing, is a certified Zumba instructor, and has performed in numerous hip-hop competitions. She has also co-taught Zumba and hop-hop dance classes at the UCCS rec center. Her goal is to found her own dance studio someday and teach dance to children. She has also been active with Special Olympics softball, and her team won gold last year.
Samantha’s teachers and mentors describe her as someone who is hardworking, motivated and dedicated to learning. She describes herself as smart, kind, a hard worker and a good student, and says, “Work hard and dream BIG!” We think you rock, Samantha – we are so proud of you! Keep on rockin’ it at UCCS!