Nataleigh Deal – Clemson University ClemsonLIFE (Reynolds Family Scholarship Award)

Nataleigh is this year’s Ruby’s Rainbow Reynolds Family Scholarship Award recipient. She plans to attend the ClemsonLIFE program at Clemson University this fall. In high school, she was an Honor Roll student who was active in choir and the honors chorus, and served on the prom committee in her junior year. Senior year, she was elected homecoming queen. She loves singing, dancing and coloring, and loves the challenge of practicing a new dance until she can do it well. Her goals are to develop her independence and to work with children.
Nataleigh’s teachers and mentors describe her as someone with a big heart and strong inner motivation who can achieve anything she sets her mind to. About herself, Nataleigh says, “I am a hard worker and I am motivated.” We see these qualities in you, Nataleigh! We know you’re going to rock it at Clemson!