Kari Balazs: Judson University – RISE (The Long Family Scholarship Award)

Kari Balazs is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s Ruby’s Rainbow The Long Family Scholarship Award recipient. She is very excited for her sophomore year at Judson College, where she studies equine science. She was the first-ever student with Down syndrome to enroll at Judson, and her professors know her as a sharp and hardworking student who consistently earns high marks. Last year, she competed in the Miss Amazing Nationals competition as well as the National American Miss pageant, representing the state of Alabama in the national competition.
Kari benefited from therapeutic horseback riding while growing up, and she hopes to share this therapy someday with other individuals with disabilities. Her advice to parents of children with Down syndrome is to set high expectations and “to please love their child and treat like any kid with 46 chromosomes.” We agree, Kari! Keep on rockin’ it at Judson — we are so proud of you!