Olivia Elder – Bethel University – BUILD

Olivia is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient who was awarded her first Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship in 2017. She attends Bethel University’s BUILD program, where her roommate is fellow Rockin’ Recipient Kirsta Graf! Olivia is taking courses in math and finances, health and physical education, and independent living.
Olivia bowls, plays soccer and does yoga at Bethel, and enjoys going to campus sporting events. She volunteers at a theater and works in the Bethel laundry room and cafeteria. She is working toward her Food Safety Certificate.
In her scholarship application, Olivia wrote that her Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship “encourages me to do the best I can because Ruby thought I could do it.” Olivia, everyone at Ruby’s Rainbow KNOWS you can do it! We are so proud of you — keep on rockin’ it at Bethel!