Lindsey Ann Masters: Clemson University – ClemsonLIFE (Dr. Yu and Associates Scholarship Award)
2018×300.jpeg Lindsey is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient who was awarded her first Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship in 2017. She attends the ClemsonLIFE program at Clemson University, where she is studying independent living.
Lindsey has played on the ClemsonLIFE basketball and flag football teams, and she loves tailgating and going to football games. She loves her bowling class as well as hanging out with friends.
In her scholarship application, Lindsey wrote, “I realize how great my new friends are, we love each other and we help to achieve our goals like being independent, living on your own and making each other laugh.” That’s what college is all about, Lindsey! We’re so proud of you — keep on rockin’ it at Clemson!