Adam DeBacker: Ozarks Technical Community College

Adam is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient who was awarded his first Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship in 2016. He attends Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, MO, where he is working toward his Associate of Arts Degree plus a Culinary Certificate. He has maintained a 3.7 GPA so far at OTCC!
Adam loves working out in the campus gym, and is an avid golfer, basketball player and martial artist. At school he is a member of Chi Alpha, a campus service club that plans community projects. He also loves theater and improv, and is involved with a campus improv group called Loose Thread.
In his scholarship application, Adam wrote, “Improv has helped me in so many ways such as getting better at conversation, building characters, building scenes and being more outgoing in general. It is tons of fun.” Way to go, Adam! Keep on rockin’ it all the way to graduation!