Sean Cleverdon: Clemson University – ClemsonLIFE

Sean is very excited to become a Clemson Tiger this fall!! Sean loves to travel, and also loves to attend church with his family where he enjoys helping out on their volunteer work days. He is a 7 time Special Olympic Gold medalist in swimming and has even completed a triathlon!
When he turned 15 Sean wanted to learn how to drive like all the other kids so he took his driving test, but I did not pass. So, he went home and studied and studied and then he studied some more. When he took that test again he made a perfect score and got to take the driver’s course with his friends. He now how his permit and drives with his parents to continue practicing. This is just a small example of his determination and drive for independence! Some of his goals while at Clemson are to learn to be more independent, make new friends and get a job. He is looking forward to taking finance class to learn to manage his own money and also be able to cook his own meals.
Keep on rockin’ it Sean!!