Benton Gibbens: Mississippi State University – ACCESS (Warriors For Walt Scholarship Award)

Benton will be attending his first semester in the MSU ACCESS which is a four year, on campus, fully inclusive program for students with intellectual disabilities. He strongly advocated for himself that he wanted to move away from home and be fully immersed in college life. He is passionate about sports, particularly basketball and practices every day, He hopes to someday have a sports related position so he can utilize his knack for organization and other skills he will be learning while at MSU.
He has inspired people all around him his whole life. “Benton inspires me and my entire family with how he embraces life and he gets us to slow down and reflect on what really matters in life-family and friends. Benton inspires us all to strive to be a better person and to love unconditionally as he loves us. He is not afraid to stand up for those he loves and is loyal no matter what. He looks for the best in others and has a way of making you want to always be the best you can be.”
Keep on rockin’ it Benton!!