Mohammad Hammad: Emhurst College – ELSA
PHN0eWxlPiBkaXYuc2luZ2xlLW5hdmlnYXRpb24sIGRpdi5mdXNpb24tZmxleHNsaWRlciB7ZGlzcGxheTogbm9uZSFpbXBvcnRhbnQ7fSA8L3N0eWxlPg== Mohammad is attending the Elmhurst Learning and Success Academy at Elmhurst College in Illinois. He has been working in the cafeteria at Saint Xavier University for eight years, and also works at his family’s store. He has played basketball at the Special Olympics, where his team won the local championship.
Mohammad loves to sing and dance, and is excited about the opportunity to attend school to learn how to work well and be a professional. He says, “They didn’t believe I would make it to college, but I did it!”