Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Watch out Baywatch!

October 29, 2018


These lil’ ladies don’t need savin’. Watch out Baywatch!

Did you know that peeps with Down syndrome can become amazing swimmers and athletes?! Ruby is working on swimming full time without her floaties and also does hip-hop and LOVES to dance and run around with her friends. Just like her big sis Ella Mae, we have been trying to give her opportunities to try new things to see what she may like. We have tried soccer, gymnastics and ballet to name a few…and so far hip hop is her jam.

What sport or activity does your loved one with Down syndrome enjoy the most?!

#RubyAndNellaGoToWork #OctoberAwarenessCampaign #RubysRainbow #TheLuckyFew #NoLimits #LifeAfterCollege #LifeWithRubyDoobs #DownSyndromeAwareness #DownSyndrome

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