Shanika goes to Winthrop University!
October 29, 2017

Shanika Bonipart is a student at Winthrop University in the Winthrop Think College program. It was her dream to live on campus and now she does with her roommate Jasmine!! Her current favorite class is entrepreneurship because one day she would like to own her own business. She is very involved with her campus church, loves praise dance events and planning parties. One of her favorite things to do is go to Carolina Panthers tailgates with her friends, even though she is an avid Steelers fan.
She is a huge advocate for others, and this October, she is traveling to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to speak with Dr. Wall, director of Winthrop
Think College at a National Conference on Transition. The Title of their presentation is “Up Syndrome, Nothing Down About It.” She has been a presenter at both the NC and SC Down Syndrome conferences as well as hosted cultural events on campus to promote disability awareness.
Her mom told me that being fully included on campus means so much to Shanika…so much she told her the other day she never wants to come home!!
Keep on rockin’ it Shanika!! We are so proud of you!!