Ruby’s Rainbow and our Mission
October 30, 2015

“And then she told me that Ben had been asking if you were gonna be there. Just promise me one thing Nella… I get to be a bridesmaid. And always remember…Sisters before Misters…”
Fun Fact: I realized last night that we have some new followers (Welcome and THANK YOU!!) and not everyone knows exactly what in the heck we do over here at Ruby’s Rainbow. Well…the cutie on the left is my daughter Ruby, aka Ruby Doobs, or just “The Doobs” (the cutie on the right is her future college roomie, Nella). We didn’t know she was “rockin’ an extra chromosome” until her birth, and shortly after I was so inspired by her sweet spirit and determination it became clear to me that we had to do something.
We looked into opportunities and funding for people with Down syndrome, and I saw a dramatic drop once they became adults. So that is where we decided to focus our efforts. We believe so fiercely that we are all lifelong learners (our oldest Recipient is 51!!) and people with Down syndrome are no different.
Our mission at Ruby’s Rainbow is to grant scholarships to adults with Ds who are seeking post-secondary education, vocational or enrichment classes. Our scholarship application will be open again in January for funds that apply to the fall of 2016, so please spread the word to anyone who may qualify. You can go to for more info.
My dream for Ruby?? The same as my older daughter…to grow, flourish, become an important contributor to society…be happy and loved. Basically, I want her to have the same opportunities as anybody else. My dream for Ruby is to DO and BE whatever Ruby wants. My dream and passion for all people rockin’ it just like her? To have all the opportunities to be the best they can be. I promise to keep working my hardest, and sharing their inspiring stories along the way….so stay tuned peeps!!!
Don’t forget to tag your loved one “rockin’ it” in their fave collegiate gear with #iamcollegebound and @rubysrainbow for a last chance to win a $25 gift card to fanatics… But you are really helping spread the word on just how cool and capable peeps with Down syndrome are!! Winners announced at 4pm!!