Ruby Doobs and Nella Rockin’ It in the Kitchen!!
October 14, 2018
Since I literally had two of the most delicious meals ever cooked for me by Zach and Ali a few weeks ago while visiting them to see what life was like for them after college, I know first hand the potential people with Down syndrome have when rockin’ it in the kitchen. We already have Ruby making her own breakfast. It may be only be frozen waffles (hey they are flaxseed ???? ) or Cheerios right now…but she is learning that independence. I think this leads into them getting more confident and creative in the kitchen at an early age…which can lead to a passion for it later! We have lots of recipients who have followed this path and are actually making careers of it now!
Happy eating!!
#RubyAndNellaGoToWork#OctoberAwarenessCampaign #RubysRainbow#TheLuckyFew #NoLimits #LifeAfterCollege#LifeWithRubyDoobs #DownSyndromeAwareness#DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeAwarenessMont