Living in all the little moments, and all the little triumphs
October 25, 2021

We had Ruby’s annual IEP meeting last week. Even in a global pandemic and over a year of online school, this girl met all of her goals.
I have noticed that over the years my focus in these meetings has gravitated more and more toward social goals and peer friendships. Of course I want her to reach her maximum academic potential, but I never want to put her into a box that is pushing her to be something that she’s not.

The “gap” between her and her peers used to give me such anxiety. Am I doing everything I can to help her be the best she can be? Does she need more tutoring or therapy? Should we be doing more?! Once I let go of her “keeping up” and just allowed her to be exactly who she was meant to be my life got so much richer because I was able to live in the little moments and it made all the little triumphs that much sweeter 

Bottom line is I am so incredibly proud of her and the amazing little lady she is becoming…and cannot wait to see what the future holds