Community College is a Great Option!
October 10, 2015

“Hey Ruby, can I copy your notes from the art history lecture??”
Fun Fact: Community Colleges are a great place to start when looking for a post-secondary educational program for someone that is rockin’ an extra chromosome (www.ThinkCollege.Net is a great resource when looking for any type of program in your area). All programs, residential and non-residential, at a community college or university, will look a little different and vary in course work, independence level, overall time spent on campus, etc.
It is highly beneficial to do research to find an appropriate program for you or your loved one. What may be the most awesome program for one individual, may not be for another. I have shown a little bit about a few residential and non-residential university programs, so today I am going to give a little insight into what Ruby’s local community college program looks like.
Austin Community College (ACC) STEPS Program is the first step towards greater independence and a love of lifelong learning. STEPS Classes are small, averaging 8 students per class. Students can attend from 2-4 days per week, depending on the pace they are comfortable with. Classes are three hours per day per class 2 days a week. Students take an average of 3 classes.
Students participate in student life events activities and events, intramural sports such as basketball, theater, arts, writing, and dance, inclusively with all ACC students.
Depending on students’ goals, students have many options for participation in the STEPS Program:
Students can attend classes for enrichment, complete a degree plan, attend 12 core STEPS courses, and receive a Work Readiness Certification. They can start with STEPS classes and go on to take certification courses in their area of interest, or they can start with STEPS and audit any ACC course.
They can also start with STEPS and then go on to take the Texas Success Initiative ACC entrance exam for credit courses.
Students who take certification courses, audit or take credit courses, receive 6 hours of tutoring from STEPS program staff.
So you see…there are LOTS of options out there!! Check out to look for a program in your area!!