Andrea Scott’s New Found Independence!
October 22, 2017

The first 2 years of formal school, Andrea Scott had a speech goal of making 2 – 4 word utterances and in later grades, her dad was told he must “understand his child may never comprehend the concept in math of more or less.”
Her dad insisted on full inclusion every step of the way. The result? Andrea earned a membership in the National Honor Society in high school and is currently a freshman at Indiana Purdue University Fort Wayne Bridges Program majoring in business management AND she also earned a scholarship from Ruby’s Rainbow.
He says: “I’m certain her accomplishments would not have been possible if she was in a segregated classroom environment. Andrea is adjusting well to college life. She really likes the experience of college and her new found Independence! – Proud dad”
Keep on rockin’ it Andrea! We are so proud of you!!!