An Interview with Lobbyist and Rockin’ Recipient Kayla McKeon!!
October 2, 2018
Rockin’ Recipient Kayla McKeon is a busy lady! Not only is she pursuing her Associate’s Degree at Onondaga Community College, she’s been shakin’ things up on Capitol Hill!! Check out our interview with her:
RR: What is your official title?
KM: Manager of Grassroots Advocacy (also the 1st registered lobbyist with Down syndrome)
RR: How does it feel to be able to advocate for others?
KM: It feels so important to advocate for others because they might not have that voice themselves, and the more we advocate our message, the louder we are. I hope I am helping to change things for future generations of the Differently Abled community.
RR: Why do you think higher wages is so important?
KM: Why shouldn’t we make the same as everyone else? We are capable of holding the same positions and should be paid equally.
RR: What kind of impact do you think you have made so far?
KM: I hope I am a role model for others just getting started in the advocacy journey. I have helped get laws enacted which will positively affect others in the Down Syndrome community. I hope with my advocacy it encourages others to advocate for themselves.
RR: What advice would you give to another person with Down syndrome about going out and seeking their dream job?
KM: Never give up on something you really want. Don’t let bad news or negativity affect you. Always smile and have a positive attitude and just be yourself and DON’T let anyone squash your dreams.
RR: What’s next for you?
KM: The Presidency (no just kidding), getting my Associate’s degree, and living independently.
Kayla, you have my vote!! Keep on rockin’ it!!
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