That one person who lets you know everything will be all right!
October 12, 2020

Did you have a person you met after a diagnosis and knew everything was going to be all right? If so, tag them to let them know
Sabine’s family was one of the first that I connected with after we found out Ruby had that magical extra chromosome. She was older (she just turned 16 last month! WHAT?!!) and spending time with her always got me excited for Ruby’s future. Her mama, Rachel Codina Collins has been my “person” I call when I need advice about school or just need to talk with someone a little further down the path than us. She was one of the first people I told about wanting to help people with Ds go to college, was a first board member, and just an overall rad human…raising a RAD human 

“We have been a part of Ruby’s Rainbow from the very beginning! Ruby’s Rainbow helped shape how we viewed and approached Sabine’s educational program. We have watched and followed all these recipients attaining their dreams of experiencing college life; something that at first, we hadn’t even begun to think about! From the moment that first scholarship was granted, we have been carefully crafting Sabine’s goals and objectives to prepare her for life after high school and beyond. You have to be able to look at the big picture to shoot for and help your child reach their goals. Ruby’s Rainbow has helped us see what’s possible!”

Knowing the impact they have had on our life, it makes my heart so happy to know we have also made a difference in theirs!! Keep on rockin’ it Sabine!! And showing the world what’s up !!!