What is an Individual Educational Plan (IEP)?
October 15, 2017

A huge part of making inclusion as successful as possible is working together with your child’s team at school. An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is one of the ways you can come together and decide what is best for your child. It can be scary and stressful at times, and you may feel like you don’t know what your rights are, what to ask for, and how it all works. I recently found IEP Guru, a resource to help parents understand the IEP process, share examples and samples of what parents can ask for, and teach advocacy skills so that everyone truly has an equal seat (and a voice) at the table. A lot of times teachers, therapists, and administrators learn this stuff in school, while some parents learn it from spending hours on Google, talking to their friends, asking strangers for advice in Facebook groups, and, ultimately, crossing their fingers.
This is from their website:
“If you’re tired of wondering whether you’re doing enough (Spoiler! You are. Let’s just make sure that what you’re doing/learning/trying is the right stuff).
Our digital course and community provide just the information you need whenever you need it. With 16 lessons on everything from understanding evaluation reports to advocating authoritatively in meetings, we provide online instruction, hands-on resources, and a forum to get your questions answered.”
Bottom line is, we all want what is best for our kiddos, and having great resources to educate us is so helpful!
For the month of October, IEP Guru is donating 25% of their sales to RR in honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, so if you think something like this may benefit you, check it out here: https://www.iepguru.com/a/5765/KLiV84Ju
Happy Sunday, Y’all!! I hope you are having as much fun as the beautiful ladies in this pic!!!