“We love RR to the moon and back!”
October 10, 2020

“We support RR because they believe in, support and know their recipients can live a life beyond their wildest dreams and experience life independently. It’s the commitment RR has to their community in bringing awareness, connecting parents, making people feel loved and valued.
“When an organization can provide that fueled by 100% Of love, I am in.
“And let’s be honest, when you meet the boss, Ruby, she hooks you in with her smile, hugs and laughter. We love RR to the moon and back!”
It’s no secret the love we have for you too, Pride Socks!! Your family means SO MUCH to us and I am SO grateful for your love and support!!
Ps…Ruby’s shirts and socks are still available!! Great meaningful gift for yourself or a loved one, designed by Ruby herself!!