Rockin’ Recipient Sarah Interned at Camp Barnabas AND Got Her Driver’s Permit!!
October 28, 2018

Sarah is attending Northeastern State University in Oklahoma, and the summer leading up to her first semester she passed the test to get her Driver’s Permit AND was a staff intern at Camp Barnabas. She says that she loved being an intern because she really likes helping other people, which is also one of her career goals. She someday hopes to be able to teach younger kids with special needs in some way, and also hopes to help more students be able to learn in a general education classroom, just as she did in High School.
One of the camp leaders said, “Sarah was genuinely one of my favorite interns to work with. She was always positive, caring, and helpful. Her strongest quality was how willing she was to help. Whenever asked to do a task she would never complain and would always do it with a joyful heart. Even on her breaks she would want to serve the campers! The campers really looked up to her and became interested in the intern program because she was such a good role model. She got to be in the cabin with them and assist her cabin staff with daily tasks such as getting the campers ready, setting up parties/activities, handing out snacks, and just making sure they are having a great time! She really was a blessing to work with!”
If her busy schedule allows, Sarah hopes to be working as an employee at Camp Barnabas next summer!! She also got her drivers permit this past summer (see pic!). So proud of you Sarah!! Keep on rockin’ it!!
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