Rockin’ Recipient Brennan Eve Rocks it at Work!!
October 23, 2018

Having people with different abilities in the workplace doesn’t just help the person with the disability. It brings so much more to the job than you can ever imagine! Check out this testimony from Olivia, a coworker of Rockin’ Recipient Brennan, who had an internship with TEKsystems this past summer:
RR: What were Brennan’s duties?
“While Brennan worked with TEKsystems she played an intricate part of our office each Friday. She assisted in making copies, cutting tags that we use every day for business, and also helped kick the office into shape with organizing. She also helped keep the office a fun environment each Friday. While she was in office she learned how to juggle, showed off her basketball skills and brought in her positive energy.”
RR: What kind of worker was she?
“I don’t think there was a time that she wasn’t doing something to help improve not only herself, but the office. She took this internship very seriously and if she had any down time she was on the laptop educating herself on our organization and taking extremely detailed notes. When I asked her if she was ready for lunch breaks most days she would reply “I want to work more first”. She always kept it positive and she always came in with the biggest smile ready to seize the day.”
RR: What impact did she have on the workplace?
“Brennan has a special way of making everyone around her happy. When she smiles and laughs it’s the most contagious, genuine act that may be little to some, but in our office it was something that we all needed to see to remind us to breathe, relax and to not take life too seriously. Out of the 6 week program there was 1 Friday that Brennan was on vacation and almost everyone in our office asked where she was that day…that’s the kind of impact she makes. What was supposed to be a standard 6 week internship turned into so much more than that for me because Brennan not only was a co-worker, but she turned into a friend.”
Sounds like we could ALL use a Brennan in our workplace!! Keep on rockin’ it and shining your light!!
#RockinRecipientsRule #RubyAndNellaGoToWork #RubysRainbow#TheLuckyFew #LifeAfterCollege #DownSyndrome#DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth #ndeam