Rockin’ Recipient Leeann Phillips Is Rockin’ It at Rhode Island College AND at Work!!
October 22, 2018

Leeann is attending her first year at Rhode Island College while also working for Tasca Automotive Group two days a week. She says she is working as a Greeter and her duties include “answering phones, data entry, refilling supplies at the receptionist desk, making photo copies and greeting customers.” She also says that the best part of her job is being with the people and helping customers.
Leeann’s mom helped her get the job, she has worked in the admin office (a different building than Leeann) for many years. She says she went to Leeann’s supervisor about the job as a “mother and not an employee.” Her advice for parents looking for employment for their son or daughter is to “research the company that you are looking at. Look at the types of jobs that the business offers and be realistic on if you son or daughter could do the job. Try to speak to the hiring manager instead of just filling out the application. Let them know that you have done your research on the company and you have a plan on what your son or daughter could offer them as employees.”
She says that everyone is so happy that she is there and the owner even said that Leeann was the perfect fit for the job!!
Keep on rockin’ it Leeann!!
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