Why I started Ruby’s Rainbow when Ruby was so young
March 21, 2020

I have been asked so many times “why did you start Ruby’s Rainbow when Ruby was so young?” The short of it is, my heart simply wouldn’t let me do anything else. The second I held her for the first time, I knew I wanted the world to see her the way I did: strong and capable, fierce and determined…WORTHY. She is full of so much life, so much joy…but also full of all of the other things that come with just being a kid
I was so drawn to what the future might hold for her…the dreams and the possibilities.

And here we are…9 years later…almost $1 MILLION dollars in scholarships later, sharing countless videos, posts and campaigns to show the world what people rockin’ it – just like her- are made of. And all the while my “why” has remained the same…to make a better world for these faces in this tiny little square. And you know what?! I think the world wins.