Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Video: We Are So Close to Our 3/21 Pledge Goal!!!

March 20, 2019

“Parenting a child with Down syndrome, a lot of times feels fragile.”

The balance between “knowing how hard to push” and “letting them be who they were meant to be” is sometimes such a fine line. One thing I know for certain, I will continue to keep giving Ruby all the opportunities I can to be the amazing little human she was meant to be in this world, while also continuing to helping more people rockin’ it- just like her-have the opportunity to go to college and be the best they can be. ❤️ And you guys…so far BECAUSE OF ALL OF YOU we are going to be able help AT LEAST 30 more capable and amazing faces this fall. BUT…I want MORE YES’S. I want them all to know how worthy they are of this opportunity.

We are about $70k from our goal which is at least another 15 faces!! LET’s DO THIS!! I want to be like freakin’ Oprah this fall…YOU get a scholarship and YOU get a scholarship and YOU…..

We have TWO more days!! Please consider taking the 3/21 Pledge and donating just $21 TODAY and helping us say YES to more amazing faces this fall!!! Click the link below!!!

Also to see the rest of this video (you want to!) to to the about page of the link above!!!

#321pledge #rubysrainbow #downsyndrome #theluckyfew #wdsd2019

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Each March is a chance to raise awareness AND funds — and we make the most of that time.

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