Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Take the 3/21 Pledge!!! #wdsd19

March 7, 2019

Wanna help someone with Down syndrome go for their college dreams this fall?! Join us in taking the 3/21 Pledge today!! Our goal is $225k by World Down Syndrome Day (3/21) that will help more than 45 more recipients rockin’ that extra chromosome!! Click the link below to see just what your $21 can do!!

#rubysrainbow #theluckyfew #rockinrecipientsrule #wdsd #wdsd19 #worlddownsyndromeday #321pledge

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Explore Our Other 3/21 Pledge Awareness Campaigns

Each March is a chance to raise awareness AND funds — and we make the most of that time.

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Make a Difference for Peeps Rockin' that Extra Chromosome!