Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Take the 3/21 Pledge TODAY!!!

March 7, 2024

TAKE THE 3/21 PLEDGE TODAY!! Just $21 can fuel the journey to higher education and independence for someone rockin’ that extra chromosome! ❤️

Hang with us all the way to World Down Syndrome Day for uplifting stories and the chance to make a difference as we highlight that THERE IS MORE. More opportunities to follow dreams, be inspired, and embrace new experiences. Simply believing in someone with Down syndrome can change their life and the lives of everyone around them!!

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Explore Our Other 3/21 Pledge Awareness Campaigns

Each March is a chance to raise awareness AND funds — and we make the most of that time.

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Make a Difference for Peeps Rockin' that Extra Chromosome!