Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


SO proud of Rockin’ Recipient Zach!

March 18, 2019

FACT: Zach is a hard worker, has a wicked sense of humor and LOVES to rap. But what I love more than anything is how much he is such a valued member of his community and how much he loves…and is loved. That is what matters most to me when I look toward Ruby’s future. For people to value her friendship and see her for the amazing and capable person that she is❤️
Watch this quick outtake (not included in the main video I posted earlier)to hear Zach’s friend Pat talk about what the campus would be like without him there. 😭❤️😭❤️
We have FOUR MORE DAYS until World Down Syndrome Day!!

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Explore Our Other 3/21 Pledge Awareness Campaigns

Each March is a chance to raise awareness AND funds — and we make the most of that time.

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