SO proud of Rockin’ Recipient Rachel!
March 13, 2017

We love sharing updates on Rachel! She is in her second year working toward her Bachelor of Fine Arts, California Institute of the Arts and her dad reports she “just had another great semester, earning another 14 (!) credits and getting great grades. She now has 37 credits toward the 120 she will need for the BFA, and, with a little luck and a tailwind, she is on track to earn the degree in a total of 5 years.”
Please take a moment to read this blog post with the latest on her project “Rephotographing Atget” where she spent time this summer in Paris literally walking the footsteps of Eugene Atget. Her work is amazing and inspiring , as is she. What her dad said about her work gave me goose-bumps:
“What they say to me, and what I hope and trust they will say to you (which you already know), is that our kids really can, and will, do not just anything, but everything.”