LOVE seeing how the college experience changes and shapes the lives of our Rockin’ Recipients!!
March 8, 2019

Nothing cooler than seeing all these faces together! Remember the tearful drop-off with Kirsta at Bethel University last year?! She is now loving college life and looking forward to graduating the 2 year BUILD Program this May!!
In addition to her classes, she is currently working at Dunn Brothers and interning at Joy By Jo Photography as an assistant. She also entered herself in the Bethel’s Got Talent show and was a top three finalist signing to Brave and This Girl is On Fire!!!
Olivia will be graduating with her in May also and said:
“My time at Bethel has been a blast! I enjoy the activities with friends best. I’m learning many things, getting more independent and enjoy working at a flower shop. I’d like to keep working at the flower shop and do some traveling after graduation.”
Since competing for Miss Minnesota, Mikayla has been busy working at her dream job and says: “College was always a dream of mine. I wanted to learn and achieve more. I was able to gain skills that will make me more independent. It prepared me for my job. I am working for a preschool as a teachers aide. I read to them, do art, help them with snacks. If child is crying I comfort them. My best job ever.

I love seeing how this college experience is changing and shaping their lives!!