How it started with Ruby…and how it’s going!!
March 12, 2024

How it started ➡️ How it’s going ❤️ Why am I so passionate about our mission? Because in this first picture there is a mama who wasn’t sure what the future might hold. She had NO idea what opportunities were out there or what the possibilities were for an amazing life. She was a mama who wanted so desperately for the world to see what she saw in her daughter..that she was a strong, capable, smart, beautiful little human WORTHY of it ALL.
That is why I share Ruby and so many stories of our Rockin’ Recipients and continue to shout their worth from the rooftops…because my hope is that others won’t have to wonder and they can see the beauty and magic that I get to experience EVERY SINGLE DAY.
And if you want to see a little bit of that magic go ahead and check us out trying to recreate this photo 😆 ❤️ Good gravy I love this kid!!
We are still working hard to continue to bring joy and hope to so many and also hit our goal of $700k by WDSD to help at least 140 more capable and worthy humans who just happen to be rockin’ that extra chromosome go for their college dreams this fall!
Each time that thermometer rises, it’s literally another person we get to say YES to this fall!!
Will you help us say YES to more people TODAY?! to say YES!!!