Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Scholarship Award Program


Have you noticed many Rockin’ Recipients receive scholarships attached to certain names, and want to know why? Want to become more involved with our organization? Either way, you’ve come to the right spot!

Our Scholarship Award Program is for people who donate or fundraise at least $3,000 within a year. If that’s you, we’ll award one of our Rockin’ Recipients a scholarship in your honor! Please click the button below for more information, or to get in touch!


We Are So Grateful for Each and Every Dollar

Most of our donations are $50 or less, and we’re SO grateful for every dollar! We started the Scholarship Award Program to honor people and organizations that donate or fundraise $3,000+ because that’s a BIG deal! Qualified donors can have a scholarship awarded in their honor or in honor of a loved one.


Raise Funds During the 3/21 Pledge Fundraiser!

March is a big month for us — and not just because March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day. The 3/21 Pledge fundraiser is our biggest event of the year and one of the fastest, easiest ways to raise $3,000+. Join us in making a difference this March!


Join the 3/21 Pledge Committee!

The 3/21 Pledge Committee is full of people dedicated to helping students with Down syndrome chase their dreams via the 3/21 Pledge — and their passion shines through. In 2024, 173 Pledge Committee members joined forces to raise over $434,000 in just two weeks!


Host a Birthday Fundraiser!

There’s nothing like a little philanthropy to celebrate another trip around the sun. So, why not host a birthday fundraiser in lieu of traditional gifts? Email for your own private fundraising page and link to share with family and friends!


Join or Start Fun Runs and Walkathons

Want to support a great cause in a fun and active way? Participate in a walkathon or fun run, or start one of your own! Either way, you can ask friends and family to pledge their financial support in honor of someone you love.


Get Crafty!

Crafty? We love it — and selling your creations is a great way to raise funds for Ruby’s Rainbow!

Whether it’s knitted items, baked goods, jewelry, or ornaments, ask buyers to make out their payment checks to us. You can post our logo along with your items!

Already Raised or Donated $3,000+ This Year?

If you’ve raised or donated $3,000 or more and want a scholarship awarded in your honor, contact us!