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Read This Article About Rockin’ Recipient Chris Joining a Fraternity!!

September 30th, 2019

“Brotherhood has a deeper meaning for Josh Ballard now that he shares the Fraternity experience with his older brother Christopher.”
Anyone want to get your week off to a good start? I’m assuming you do!! 😜😍 So here’s a quick read guaranteed to put a smile on your face – it’s about Christopher Ballard, one of our 2019 Rockin’ Recipients who’s a Lions Connected student at Southeastern Louisiana University, and his younger brother Josh, who also attends SLU. They’re brothers by birth & also in Delta Tau Delta, and, well, just trust me – take 5 minutes and have a read – you won’t be sorry!! ❤️❤️
And then check out more about Christopher here >>>
We are SO PROUD of you, Christopher!! Keep on rockin’ it at Southeastern!!
#KeepOnRockinItChristopher #RockinRecipientsRule #DownSyndromeRocks #NothingDownAboutIt #TheLuckyFew

Christopher BallardFraternityRockin' RecipientRockin' Recipient UpdateSoutheastern Louisiana University

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