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Early Days of Ruby's Rainbow


September 29th, 2012

Well…that is not exactly true..I am the only one slackin’ these days on bloggin’ about the most anticipated action from the Doobs. Tim and I love that Ruby is on her own “Doober time frame”…but we have been waiting for the day when she can just “hang” with the culde crew.  Actually walk  from one happenin’ area to the next.  We have been anticipating the “what will she want to do?”  and the “who will she want to hang out with?”….the time has come peeps…no slacker here:

Woo hoo!!

Here I come!!

Check you guys later…I am gonna go sit at the table over there..

and then I am gonna go hang with the ladies…
and now I think I am gonna have some ‘girl chat’ with Julia…

She has been ‘walking’ for a few months now, but has just started to gain the confidence to cruise around most venues on her tiny lil’ feet.  She is losing the ‘Frankensteinstiffness to her stride and is busting out some new dance moves as well. Stevie Wonder is still her fave, and she just can’t seem to sit still when he’s playing ..her lil’ toes start tappin’ and then she really gets her whole body in to it! Girls got some rhythm…just sayin.  I feel like I took all these lil’ milestones for granted with Ella Mae…just assuming she was gonna do it, and do it well (which she mainly has….she’s kinda crazy that way)….I mean, she started walking at 9 1/2 months and was jumping on a trampoline by her first birthday.  With Doobs I guess I am so much more aware of the “little things” we are working on…I share in her accomplishments because I feel like we are all working together to make it happen.  Ruby Doobs working the hardest of course!  So with each major milestone I am so unbelievably proud of her hard work and determination.  We always try and set high expectations for her…and almost every time she still surprises me with what she can do!  With each milestone I find myself breathing a little deeper, allowing myself to relax a little more and just enjoy her just being a toddler.  Her sign language is really starting to explode and she is really asserting herself as a lil’ lady…our perfect lil lady.  Our other lil’ perfect lady has become quite the fashionista these days…..

She was passed down a second pair of pink boots (thanks Luisa :))…she wants to wear them with everything!  And yes….that is a smile complete with a snack for later!  Gotta run…we are gonna try and sneak away to the beach for a few days!  I am gonna try and attempt blogging everyday again in the month of October for Down syndrome awareness so stay tuned and wish me luck!  I want peeps to know the ‘coolness factor’ the extra chromosome brings…and what an amazing impact Ruby Doobs has had on our life and all those around her!!  Ella Mae is pretty freakin’ cool too…I mean, who can sport an apple, gymnast outfit and pink boots and look that cute 🙂

                                         No slackin’ here!  Keep rockin this crazy life peeps!!!!!

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