Shana Filkins

We learned at 18 weeks pregnant that our long-awaited baby girl would be coming to the world with an extra chromosome. I didn’t know much about Down syndrome and was completely shocked and devastated by the news. Many weeks and lots of Google searches later, I had a long list of possible medical complications and several statistics that only validated and fed my fears. We suffered another huge blow when we learned our newly named Zoey would also be born with a significant heart defect that would require surgery in the early months of life. Our friends and family rallied around us and gave our little warrior a fun nickname, Zoey Fierce, while I continued stressing…and Googling!
As I continued my desperate research for some glimmer of hope, I finally found it by way of Ruby’s Rainbow. “College?” I thought. “My baby can still go to college?” With tears streaming down my face, I spent hours watching videos of VERY EXCITED recipients opening their scholarship awards. “If Zoey can go to college, what else can she do?” On that day, HOPE for my baby girl was given back to me, and I realized my true purpose was to make the world a better place for her.
Almost nine years later, I am incredibly proud to be the Mama of my sassy world-changer, Zoey Rose…also still known as Zoey Fierce! I work full time, and am married to my awesome husband Mike. Our family works to raise a Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship each year so we can continue to educate the world about the abilities of people with Down syndrome. This will be our eighth year fundraising for Ruby’s Rainbow and our sixth year attempting to award a scholarship in the name of our Zoey Fierce! LET’S DO THIS!!