Misty Coy Snider

My name is Misty Coy Snyder and I gave birth to a beautiful boy with Down syndrome on August 1, 2020. Upon receiving the prenatal diagnosis I was immensely scared of the unknown. Would my performing career come to an abrupt halt. Would my son with Down syndrome be treated equally? How would this new family dynamic impact my older child? My marriage? All of it seemed overwhelming and daunting UNTIL Jedidiah was born.
Immediately I knew the love I had for him would surpass any challenge and our family would be enriched BECAUSE of him. I was inspired to create a community of support for families just receiving a Down syndrome diagnosis – and Happiness Is Down Syndrome was born. I spend my days creating content, advocating and connecting online and in real life.
I’m so excited to join the Ruby’s Rainbow Pledge committee because Liz and Ruby, and all of the families they inspire and assist, represent a picture of my future. Of OUR future. Together, we can make an impact in the lives of those with Down syndrome, within the disability community as a whole and BEYOND! The sky is the limit! Let’s rock this!