Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Missy Miller

Missy Miller

Hi! My name is Missy Miller, and I live in Tallahassee, Florida, with my husband, Brian, and two children – Avett, age seven, and Poppy, age one, who has Down syndrome.

After Poppy was born, my mission was to contribute to this community that was already showcasing the beauty of Down syndrome. Sometimes that’s through advocating, but mostly just the beauty and stillness of our everyday. You can follow along with my journey on Instagram @missymiller_

Ruby’s Rainbow has been a great source of inspiration. While Poppy may or may not attend college one day, it’s important to me that she has role models to look up to, and to have the option to one day go to college if she desires. I’m so excited to fundraise another year to help another person with Down syndrome attend college to achieve their goals and dreams.

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