Kira Hinkle
My wife, Al, and I welcomed our son into the world on February 28, 2020. That morning we headed to our OB’s office for a routine ultrasound, and two and a half weeks later we emerged from the NICU in the midst of a global pandemic, processing our beautiful little guy’s surprise diagnosis of Down syndrome.
Dover continues to surprise us. His joy, his determination, his drive. And most importantly, his ability to bring people together (in spirit) during a time of isolation and distancing. And in just our first year of being thrown into this wonderful new world, we have come to learn so much and have felt inspired by so many.
Growing up, the schools that I attended did not prioritize inclusion. I had practically zero experience interacting with people with Down syndrome until my son was in my arms. And in this last year, my eyes have been opened to the absolute gift that comes with that extra 21st chromosome. I am committed to sharing that gift, the gift of inclusion and diverse friendships and relationships, wherever I go. For Dover’s benefit, but also for humanity’s benefit.
We are better people having Dover in our life. We are better having all of the little ones with Down syndrome and their families that we’ve met this year in our life. Ruby’s Rainbow makes inclusion possible and makes the hopes and dreams of young adults with Down syndrome possible. I am honored and eager to roll up my sleeves and do my part in ensuring people with Down syndrome can achieve their dreams of pursuing a post-secondary education.