Kadee Hoffman
Hi! I am Kadee Hoffman. I have been a speech language pathologist for over 10 years in Austin, Houston, and now small town Hallettsville, TX. I specialize in working with children and adults who have Down Syndrome. It has been such a joy and blessing to help individuals with DS exceed their goals and share their love to the world. Years ago, I worked at the Rise School and a private clinic in Austin, where I had the privilege of getting to know sweet Ruby and Liz. At that time, I had no idea how much the cause of their foundation would mean to me years later…
In 2022, my husband Matt and I found out we would be having a baby boy who has Down Syndrome-I knew this was no coincidence. Cameron, “Cam”, was born in April 2023 and we are proud to be new members of the “Lucky Few”.
Even with all of the fears, medical challenges, and open heart surgery, our lives have completely changed for the better because of Cam. We are so blessed God chose us to be his parents and are already better people because of him. We promise to advocate, support, educate, share, and do anything we can to show the world how amazing Cam and other people with Down syndrome are! Cam’s future is bright and we are so blessed to be an official part of Ruby’s Rainbow!