Julia Agnew

My name is Julia Agnew, mother to a beautiful 1 year old butterfly rocking an extra chromosome. We are from Philadelphia, Pa. I’m 34 years of age, a photographer, media personal and educator. I love to dance and express myself through art forms and I hope the same for my daughter. We are big believers in taking time to understand who we are and managing life through self care. I have a platform called “Black, BOLD, and Beautiful,” I pray my daughter utilizes to her potential to step into her purpose.
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty” – Maya Angelou
Born February 8th, 2023 Miracle-Grace Juliana Agnew (known to her community as MG or Butterfly) made her debut. Starting off as a teeny tiny little caterpillar, she has proven to be strong & mighty in her growth. An Aquarius Butterfly, filled with big Libra energy! She’s loving, happy, peaceful, caring, with a hint of spice. The shade she throws, is the cutest representation of her personality. A social butterfly indeed, MG loves singing, dancing, story time, swim lessons, shopping, and working photography gigs with mommy. Meeting all milestone on target, she’s just about ready to STEP things up a notch sharing her story.