Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Heather Platz

Heather Bird

I am a runner, photographer, product manager, mother to four beautiful, unique boys and wife to an amazing man. Our life is busy and loud and hectic and filled with so much JOY. I manage my life on little sleep but lots of love.

When our youngest, Zeke, was born we were surprised to find out he had Down syndrome. After the overload of information on potential medical issues and limitations he would face, none of which offered any comfort to the initial shock of this diagnosis, Ruby’s Rainbow was a welcomed breath of fresh air.

Story after story of Ruby’s Rainbow recipients brought joy and hope. Almost immediately our focus changed to all of the things that our amazing Zeke COULD and WOULD do. As I tell people of Ruby’s Rainbow, I continue to watch person after person being absolutely wowed by what the recipients are accomplishing. We are honored to share these stories and support Ruby’s Rainbow as they continue to WOW the world by helping change the perception of what it means to have Down syndrome.

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