Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Caroline Givnish

We received Lucy’s diagnosis prenatally at 14 weeks via CVS testing. At 30 years old and being our first pregnancy, it was all very unexpected (although, now of course I know that most pregnancies with a diagnosis of Down syndrome occur before age 35!).

Quite honestly, I was thrown into a state of grief that unfortunately clouded a good part of my pregnancy, but I was also glad that I was prepared for any necessary post-natal medical care (so far, none!) and other intervention services. When I was 8 months pregnant with Lucy, I stumbled upon Ruby’s Rainbow: I was reading Kelle Hampton’s “Enjoying the Small Things” blog where she featured a story about the 3/21 Pledge. I had never heard of post-secondary education programs for people with Intellectual Disabilities and it filled my heart with so much optimism for Lucy’s future.

Ruby’s Rainbow’s made me realize that I didn’t have to give up on any of my dreams for Lucy just because she is rockin’ an extra chromosome. Knowing that there’s an organization like Ruby’s Rainbow who believes so deeply in giving Lucy’s peers the tools they deserve to realize their full potential – it means everything! Fast forward 3 years… we have the most incredible, beautiful, smart, funny daughter who has brought so much joy into our lives (and everyone who is lucky enough to know her). I can’t wait to see what the future holds for our Lucy, I know she will move mountains.

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